TCS IT Wiz 2012 Coimbatore Prelims

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Hi friends, Here we are presenting the TCS IT WIZ 2012 Coimbatore Prelim Questions.The questions were provided by Surya Narayanan on Facebook.

1.It was also ranked as the No. 1 for customer satisfaction within the first

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year of its launch with an overall score of over 95%. It have also been adjudged the ‘Buzziest Brands of 2009’ i.e. the most searched for brands by surfers, in a survey carried out by a leading online portal in India!
Ans:Virgin Mobile
2.Sanjay Jha is the CEO of ?
3.Denis Ritche created C and other computer language.Which is the other one?

4.Identify the device

Ans:Google Glass
5.Who founded NEXT computer corp?
Ans:Steve Jobs
6.It looks like a dog , but it is a robot.Identify the robot created by Sony ?
7.Identify this person?

Ans:Phaneesh Murthy
8.Which is the computer language developed by John Backus ?
9.This company makes Digital Piano.Identify
10.Expand AJAX
Ans:Asynchronus Javascript And XML
11.Identify this OS

Ans:Windows 8
12.Who says “Speed 1 Terahertz, Memory 1 Zettabyte” ?
Ans:Chitti(in the film Enthiran)
13.Which company is the official Watch sponsor of London Olympics 2012 ?
14.Expand VoIP
Ans:Voice Over Internet Protocol
15.Identify : “Like Lift without L”
16.This Company partnered with Boeing for reducing the sound it produces?
17.Who owns Centipede Origin?
18.Social Networking Site for Professionals ?
19.Now its a Google Domain , but it was before owned by Garfield Comic Strip.Which is the Domain ?
20.What does “CE” signifies ?
Ans:European Conformity

Britto Sabu

Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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