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Cyborg Quiz|Cyborgs and Cyborg Activists|By Nandulal Krishna

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Cyborg Quiz|Cyborgs and Cyborg Activists|By Nandulal Krishna

Cyborg Quiz Questions and answers by Nandulal Krishna From Wayanad,Kerala,India

1. “HET” is Defined as any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means.
Expand “HET”

Ans:Human enhancement


2.“X” a fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.
Name “X”?

Ans:A cyborg (“cybernetic organism”)

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3. “X” is a British engineer.
“X” is known for his studies on direct interfaces between computer systems and the
human nervous system.
“X” had made Several Contributions To
Robotics And Artificial Intelligence.
“X” is the Head of “Project Cyborg” and
Known as “Captian Cyborg”
Who is “X”


Ans:Kevin Warwick



4. “X” is a Color-Blind
“X” had implanted an antenna in his skull
which recognize the color he saw and give
him an audible vibration
Since 2004, international media has described
him as the “world’s first Cyborg”
“X” own world first “Cyborg Passport”
Who is “X”


Ans:Neil Harbisson

5.___________ is a avant-garde artist and cyborg activist .
“She” best known for developing and implanting an
online seismic sensor in her elbow that allows her
to feel earthquakes through vibrations
She is also co-founder of the Cyborg Foundation.

Name Her ??

Ans:Moon Ribas

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6. “X” is cyborg and Biohacker who has implanted
wireless chips under his skin to gain SUPERHUMAN abilities. he Wrote a Book Named “RIFD Toys”.
Name him ??

Ans:Amal Graafstra
(Buy “RIFD Toys ” on Amazon)











7.”X” is an American software developer, entrepreneur, and biohacker
“X” is the Co-founder and C.I.O of “Grindhouse Wetware” , an open source
biotechnology startup company
Name “X”

Ans:Tim Cannon

cyborg quiz

8.___________ is an implantable device that sends biometric data wirelessly via Bluetooth to a phone or tablet and is powered through “inductive charging”.
The first ever _________implant occurred in October 2013 in Essen, Germany, when body modification artist “Steve Haworth” implanted the device into Grindhouse co-founder Tim Cannon.

Name the Device ?


Ans: Circadia


Cyborg Quiz Questions

9.”X” is Known as the “Most Connected Human on Earth”
He has between 300 and 700 systems running at any

given time, systems that capture real-time data
about his life.
Name “X” ?


Ans: Chris Dancy

10. Cyborgism is subjected to many movies.An Indian Movie
Released on 2010 Depicts the backfire of an Android project with Human Emotions , Directed By  R.    Shankar And Produced by Kalanithi Maran.
Name The Film ?

Ans: Enthiran aka The Robot

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cyborg quiz questions and answers


Nandulal Krishna

I'm Nandulal Krishna , Quizzer and Technology Enthusiast .

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Nandulal Krishna
Tags: 2017 new quiz2017 quizamalAmal Augustineamal graffstraamal.netandrohumanoid robotandroidavantavant gradeavante grade artistbiohackbiohackerbiohackingbiohacking engineerbiomechatronical deviebiomechatronicsbluetoothcaptian cyborbchitticircadia devicecolleage it quizcolor blind cyborgcolor blindnesscomputer science quizconnected humanconnected orgaNScybernetic humancybernetic organismcyborg artistcyborg foundationcyborg passportcyborg personalitiescyborg quizcyborg quiz questions and answerscyborg wikicyborgismcyborgology quizcyborgsdevice circadiaelectonic organs in human'electronic quizelectronics in humanenthiranenthiran aka roboteyeborgeyeborg neilgrindhouse techgrindhouse wetwaregringhouse wetwarehead antennahead antenna manhuman connecthuman nerve and computer systemhuman robotimplanting microchipinductive chargingInformation Technology QuizITQuizjagrangosh cyborg quizkalanithimaaranKERALAKerala IT Quizkerala sastramela quizkevin warwickmachine manmacrochipman with antenna on headman with machinesmicrochipmicrochip implantmicrochip implantationmost connected human on earthnandulalnandulal krishnanandulal wayanadneel harbisunneil harbissonnew quizonlineonline quizonline seismei sensoropensource biotechnology companyproject cyborgproprof quizproprofsproprofs cyborg quizproprofs i t quizQuizquiz2017rajinikanthRIFDrifd amal bookrifd amal.netrifdtoysrobocop movierobotics quizssastramela quizscience quizshankarspecial humansteve haworthsuperhumansuperhuman ebilitiessupermansupersecialityttechnichal secialist quiztim cannontim canontin cannonuvwwetwareworlds first cyborgxxyz

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