TCS IT Wiz 2013 Chennai Prelims

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Hi Friends here we are presenting the TCS IT Wiz 2013 Chennai Prelims Questions.We have our sincere thanks and wishes to Siddharth Sivasubramanian, runner up of  TCS IT Wiz 2013 Chennai and Viswanath and Akhil participants of Chennai Edition for providing us the questions.

1.Yahoo has partnered with which company to help Yahoo mail users attach files easily and quickly ?
2.She is Eesha Khare. What did she do ?

Ans:Invented 20 second mobile charger
3.’Pulse’ is a News Reader App acquired by Which tech giant ?
4.Expand GIF 
Ans:Graphical Interchange Format
5.Identify this person

 Ans:Krishnakumar Natarajan
6.Which company has recently launched the ‘Cup of Coffee’ campaign to demonstrate to small business owners how easy it is to built websites ?
7.It was originally released as a powertoy for the Tablet PC in 2002.The program is  a screen-capture tool that comes with Windows.How do we know it?
Ans:Snipping tool
8.Which international organization was founded in 1998 by Steve Linford to track email spammers and spam-related activity, was  in the news because of some serious spam attacks ?
Ans:The Spamhaus Project
9.Which Chinese search engine is developing a prototype digital eyewear similar to Google Glass ?
10.Ricoh Innovations Corporation (RIC), a subsidiary of Ricoh Company Ltd, recently launched a mobile visual search platform which connects users with a variety of digital media by capturing an image. What is it called ?
11.Identify the logo

12.It is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. What is this called ?
13.Gameloft, a Paris based publisher and developer of games has tied up with this channel’s digital arm to distribute their mobile games in India. Which one ?
Ans: Disney UTV

Ans:Free Software Foundation
15.Identify(not sure about the image)

16.What did he invent ?

Ans:Sumit Dagar created Braille Smartphone
17.A Carnegie Mellon computer professor is credited for creation of this.He thought it would help people on message board at Carnegie Mellon to distinguish serious posts from jokes.What did he create ?

Ans:Justdial (Amitabh Bachan is the brand ambassador , the phone no of Justdial)
19.In the context of the World Wide Web, X is a
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is stored for later retrieval in
any of various storage formats. All modern web browsers include X features. X are called favorites or Internet shortcuts
in Internet Explorer, and by virtue of that browser’s large market
share, these terms have been synonymous with X since the first
browser war.
What is X ?
20.Which global company has partnered with small companies in India to build several technologies

Britto Sabu

Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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