TCS IT Wiz 2012 Kochi Finals

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Hi Friend here we are presenting the TCS IT Wiz 2012 Kochi Finals Questions. The questions were provided by Badusha Salim, participant of TCS IT Wiz 2012 Kochi.


1.Identify Her

Ans:Ursula M Burns (Past CEO of Xerox)
2.Microblogging Platform +  2007 by David Karp  + Name of a household item
3.The user interface of Windows Vista and 7 operating system introduced a translucent title bars etc.What is teh name of this user Interface ?
Ans:Ans:AERO(Authentic Energetic Reflective Open)
4.It is defined as a “Component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster”.What ?
5.Interface Message Processors (IMP) + GATEWAY’S International Network Working Group (INWG)
6.Identify this

Ans:Fruit Ninja (told something related to Google Play)


1.Apple October 23 , 2001  + Classic,Mini,Nano,Shuffle,Touch  + Name by Vinnie Chieco
Ans:Apple iPod
2.Mobile Phone from Google + Codenamed ‘Eclair’ + Manufactured by HTC
Ans:Google Nexus
3.It is the world’s second-largest mobile telecommunications company + Racal Telecom + Sponsor of a Formula One Team
4.The largest manufacturer was nokia + Logitech first marketed it + Nobel Prize in Physics for this technology
Ans:Digital Cameras
5.Multi-touch display Innolux + Popular media name tablet
6.DVD section of it is renamed Qwikster + Reed Hastings , Marc Randolph + Operates only in USA + 80% market share


1.TCS has enjoyed the relationship with this company from wayback in the 1970’s.In 2005 they became the major partner of this company.In 2012 when this company celebrated its Centinary …[buzzer]


2.This company had sold computers to celememina andcdo and geon people in London.TCS was given the project to migrate ICL systems to New computers. This was one of the first project of TCS espically in that region.The company itself that gave TCS the project is famous for being part of the famous bunch of Technology company…[buzzer]


3.WTI Advanced Technologies is a subsidary of TCS.The ‘W’ in ‘WTI’ actuallt represents a huge historic Electric orporation….[buzzer]

Ans:Westing House

4.Who was the second chairman of TCS ?






Video of Chammak Chhalo


Didn’t got the other questions in this round..
3.Pierre Omidyar (something else)
4.the answer was Lenovo


1.In the late 1950’s this was actually started as a part of Anderson Consulting…..[buzzer]
2.’How To Unblock Everything On Internet’ is a very interesting guide book authored by a young Indian.Who is that ?

Ans:Ankit Fadia
3.IBM SIMON ….[buzzer]
Ans:First Smartphone

Britto Sabu

Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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