We conducts IT Quizzes on all Sunday evenings and give a prize of 200₹ amazon voucher sponsored by cashkaro.com IT Quiz questions and answers conducted by Abhishek on 13-02-2016
1. .”Life is short have an affair”
Slogan of a social networking site owns by Avid Life Media.Site has been hacked by hackers which is leading increase in local divorces.Name the site?
Ans Ashley madison
2. Who is this popular star invests in cloud computing?
He holds a 3.4% equity in Stampede Capital, a financial
technology firm specializing in cloud computing for financial market. He
also bought shares 252,000 in Meridian Tech, a consulting company in
U.S. Recently they made their first overseas investment in
ziddu.com, a cloud based content distribution platform.
Ans:Amithabh bachan
3.configuration of which computer
Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Tablet (2 copies)
Intel® Core™ i7-2620M CPU @ 2.7GHz
Intel® 150Gb Solid-State Drive 520 Series
Windows 7
Speech Synthesizers (3 copies):
Manufacturer – Speech Plus (Incorporated 1988, Mountain View, CA)
Model – CallText 5010
Ans: Computer used by Stephen hawking by intel a pioneer in assistive technology
4. Henn- na a hotel which opened near Nagasaki, Japan immediately went viral, why it is so special?
Ans: Served by robots
5.Which is the new app by Microsoft which tells “what kind of dog you are..And it can I’d your dog too”?
Ans: Fetch
6 .Collectibles, Jewelry, Motors, Music, Sports, Technology and Toys.
These are the 7 buildings of one company’s headquarters. Which is that company?
Ans: EBay
7. Who coined the term net neutrality or internet neutrality?
Ans:: The term was coined by Columbia university media professor Tim wu in 2003.
8. X is the world’s largest long distance ride sharing
community,conceived in 2003 by Frederick mazella and founded in
2006..what is x?
Ans: Bla bla car
9. X is a television channel Distributed by Turner
Broadcasting System (a unit of Time Warner Inc.) Which celebrated 20th
birthday in 2015.
In 2015 Turner India launched a new channel based on its former block, Toonami.
Which is X ?
Ans: Cartoon network
10. It depicts the foxconn’s 5 billion US $ offer to a
company ,which developed the world’s first transistor calculator.which
is that company?
Ans: Sharp (image)
11.pic of first selfie
Who took ?
Ans:Robert Cornelius
12. Robin is an android phone.It is known as worlds first ‘cloud first android phone’ .which company launched this?
13.Which app based service delivers puppies to ur home.? last year It also launched Christmas tree delivery service .
Ans: Uber
14 Connect appollo 13,and DVD(pics)
Spotify,dominos pizza or uber , Amazon web services (aws) pics
Ans: Amazon echo
16.Which company launched worlds first windows 10 TV
17. Which famous search engine uses robot for counting articles?
18. Which is the first company to pay twitter for emoji?
19. Which organization started start up ware house in kochi?
Ans padmassri warrior
Former cto of Cisco and Motorola
Now CEO of NextEV
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