IT Quiz Questions and Answers on Who is the Father of?
1.Who is the Father of Analogue Computer? Ans:George Philbrick |
2.Who is the Father of ARPANET? Ans:Dr Lawrence G Roberts |
3.Who is the Father of Artificial Intelligence? Ans:John McCarthy |
4.Who is the Father of ASCII? Ans:Robert Bemer |
5.Who is the Father of Berkeley Unix? Ans:William Frederick Jolitz |
6.Who is the Father of Cascasing Style Sheets? Ans:Hakon Wium Lee |
7.Who is the Father of Compact Disc? Ans:Kees Immink |
8.Who is the Father of Compilers? Ans:Grace Hopper |
9.Who is the Father of Computer Science? Ans:Alan Turing |
10.Who is the Father of Cybernetics? Ans:Nobert Weiner |
11.Who is the Father of Cyberspace? Ans:William Gibson |
12.Who is the Father of E-Mail? Ans:Ray Tomlinson |
13.Who is the Father of Ethernet? Ans:Bob Metcalfe |
14.Who is the Father of Ethical Hacking? Ans:Norbert Weiner |
15.Who is the Father of GUI? Ans:Marc Anderssen |
16.Who is the Father of GSM Technology? Ans:Torleiv Maseng |
17.Who is the Father of Indian Software Industry? Ans:FC Kohli |
18.Who is the Father of Indian Supercomputers? Ans:Vijay Bhatkar |
19.Who is the Father of Information Theory? Ans:Claude E Shannon |
20.Who is the Father of Internet? Ans:Vinton Cerf |
21.Who is the Father of LCD? Ans:Pierre Gilles De Gennes |
22.Who is the Father of Mobile Phone Revolution? Ans:Dr Martin Cooper |
23.Who is the Father of Modern Software Architecture? Ans:John Zachman |
24.Who is the Father of Networking? Ans:Raymond Noorda |
25.Who is the Father of Personal Computer? Ans:Ed Roberts |
26.Who is the Father of Phreaking? Ans:Joe Engressia |
27.Who is the Father of Plasma? Ans:Larry Weber |
28.Who is the Father of Relational Database? Ans:Edgar F Codd |
29.Who is the Father of RFID? Ans:Dr Sanjay Sharma |
30.Who is the Father of Role-Playing Game? Ans:Gary Gaygax |
31.Who is the Father of Shareware Programs? Ans:Jim Knoff |
32.Who is the Father of Silicon Valley? Ans:Fred Terman |
33.Who is the Father of Stored Programing Concept? Ans:John Von Neumann |
34.Who is the Father of Supercomputers? Ans:Seymour Cray |
35.Who is the Father of TCP/IP? Ans:Vinton Cert, Robert Kahn |
36.Who is the Father of Portable Computer? Ans:Adam Osborne |
37.Who is the Father of Telecommunications Revolution in India? Ans:Sam Pitroda |
38.Who is the Father of UNIX? Ans:Ken Thompson |
39.Who is the Father of Video Cassette Recorder? Ans:Charles Ginsburg |
40.Who is the Father of Video Game? Ans:Ralph H Baer |
41.Who is the Father of Visual Basic? Ans:Alan Cooper |
42.Who is the Father of Wiki? Ans:Ward Cunnigham |
43.Who is the Father of Word Processing? Ans:Seymour Rubinstein |
44.Who is the Father of WWW? Ans:Tim Berners Lee |
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