Here are 15 questions to test your knowledge of Emails and history of emails, you can contribute more questions to this Email Marketing Quiz Questions and answers 2017, you’re always welcome to inbox with your set of questions. The good set of questions will always be rewarded.
1.Expand MIME in connection to E-mail?
2.SMTP is an important term in an e-mail, Expand SMTP?
3.ARPANET has played an important role in the history of emails, Expand ARPANET?
4.Who is known as the father of E-mail?
5.In which year was the first email send?
6.Who founded HotMail?
7.What does POP stands for in email?
8.Identify this logo?
9.In which year was Gmail launched?
10.Who created Gmail?
11.Exapand IMAP in Email?
12.________________ is the forgery of an email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.
13.In Internet usage, an ____________ is a form of net abuse consisting of sending huge volumes of email to an address in an attempt to overflow the mailbox or overwhelm the server where the email address is hosted in a denial-of-service attack.
14.Identify this Logo
15.This is the old logo of?
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That’s all questions for Email Marketing Quiz. this set will be updated, check back for more questions on Email marketing
All the questions and answers of email marketing quiz in a single page.
1. Expand MIME in connection to E-mail?
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
2.SMTP is an important term in an e-mail, Expand SMTP?
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
3.ARPANET has played an important role in the history of emails, Expand ARPANET?
Advanced Research Project Agency Network
4. Who is known as the father of E-mail?
5. In which year was the first email send?
6. Who founded HotMail?
Sabeer Bhatia
7. What does POP stand for an email?
Post Office Protocol
8. Identify this logo?
answer- Mailchimp
9. In which year was Gmail launched?
10. Who created Gmail?
11. Expand IMAP in Email?
12.________________ is the forgery of an email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.
Answer- Email Spoofing
13. In Internet usage, a ____________ is a form of net abuse consisting of sending huge volumes of email to an address in an attempt to overflow the mailbox or overwhelm the server where the email address is hosted in a denial-of-service attack.
Answer- Email Bombing
14. Identify this Logo
15. This is the old logo of?
16. What does CTSS stand for in host-based mail system?
Answer- Compatible Time-Sharing System
17. BerkNet, the Berkeley Network, was written by whom?
Answer- Eric Schmidt
In Dutch, it’s apestaart — “monkey’s tail.”
In Swedish, it’s snabel-a — “A” with an elephant’s trunk.
And in Italian, it’s chiocciolina — small snail.
Other languages nickname it “mouse’s tail,” “sleeping cat,” “little duck,” “dog,” and “little worm.”
20. __________ is an email sent to a potential customer that has had no prior relationship with you?
Answer- Cold Email
Amal Augustine
Blogger | Developer | Quizzer.
I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi.
Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..
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Hi there Email Marketing Quiz Questions and answers 2018 - IT Quiz
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awesome questions. expecting more of this type
Email quiz questions was good
this is a very good set of email marketing questions, please do share more questions