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Country wise list of Top Level Domains

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Country wise list of Top Level Domains

Q.  Which is the only letter in English alphabet with which a top level domain does not start with?

Ans : X ( You can’t find a domain starting with X from the below list)

Here is the list of all top level domains with their country


.ac Ascension Island

.ad Andorra

.ae United Arab Emirates

.af Afghanistan

.ag Antigua and Barbuda

.ai Anguilla

.al Albania

.am Armenia

.an Netherlands Antilles

.ao Angola

.aq Antarctica

.ar Argentina

.as American Samoa

.at Austria

.au Australia

.aw Aruba

.az Azerbaijan


.ba Bosnia and Herzegowina

.bb Barbados

.bd Bangladesh

.be Belgium

.bf Burkina Faso

.bg Bulgaria

.bh Bahrain

.bi Burundi

.bj Benin

.bm Bermuda

.bn Brunei Darussalam

.bo Bolivia

.br Brazil

.bs Bahamas

.bt Bhutan

.bv Bouvet Island

.bw Botswana

.by Belarus

.bz Belize


.ca Canada

.cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands

.cd Zaire

.cf Central African Republic

.cg Congo .ch Switzerland

.ci Côte d’Ivoire

.ck Cook Islands

.cl Chile .cm Cameroon

.cn China

.co Colombia United Kingdom

.cr Costa Rica

.cs Czechoslovakia (former)

.cu Cuba

.cv Cape Verde

.cx Christmas Island

.cy Cyprus

.cz Czech Republic


.de Germany

.dj Djibouti

.dk Denmark

.dm Dominica

.do Dominican Republic

.dz Algeria


.ec Ecuador

.ee Estonia

.eg Egypt

.eh Western Sahara

.er Eritrea

.es Spain

.et Ethiopia


.fi Finland

.fj Fiji

.fk Falkland Islands

.fm Micronesia

.fo Faroe Islands

.fr France

.fx France, Metropolitan G

.ga Gabon

.gb United KingdomK

.gd Grenada

.ge Georgia

.gf French Guiana

.gg Guernsey

.gh Ghana

.gi Gibraltar

.gl Greenland

.gm Gambia

.gn Guinea

.gp Guadelope

.gq Equatorial Guinea

.gr Greece

.gs Sth Georgia Sandwich Is.

.gt Guatemala

.gu Guam

.gw Guinea-Bissau

.gy Guyana


.hk Hong Kong

.hm Heard & McDonald Islands

.hn Honduras

.hr Croatia

.ht Haiti

.hu Hungary


.id Indonesia

.ie Ireland

.il Israel

.im Isle of Man

.in India

.io British Indian Ocean Terr.

.iq Iraq

.ir Iran

.is Iceland

.it Italy


.je Jersey

.jm Jamaica

.jo Jordan

.jp Japan


.ke Kenya

.kg Kyrgystan

.kh Cambodia

.ki Kiribati

.kmComoros .

kn Saint Kitts and Nevis

.kp Korea, DPR

.kr Korea, Republic of

.kw Kuwait

.ky Cayman Islands

.kz Kazakhstan


.la Lao PDR

.lb Lebanon

.lc Saint Lucia

.li Liechtenstein

.lk Sri Lanka

.lr Liberia

.ls Lesotho

.lt Lithuania

.lu Luxembourg

.lv Latvia

.ly Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


.ma Morocco

.mc Monaco

.md Moldova

.mg Madagascar

.mh Marshall Islands

.mk Macedonia

.ml Mali

.mm Myanmar

.mn Mongolia

.mo Macau

.mp Northern Mariana Is.

.mq Martinique

.mr Mauritania

.ms Montserrat

.mt Malta

.mu Mauritius

.mv Maldives

.mw Malawi

.mx Mexico

.my Malaysia

.mz Mozambique


.na Namibia

.nc New Caledonia

.ne Niger

.nf Norfolk Island

.ng Nigeria

.ni Nicaragua

.nl The Netherlands

.no Norway

.np Nepal

.nr Nauru

.nt Neutral Zone

.nu Niue

.nz New Zealand


.om Oman


.pa Panama

.pe Peru

.pf French Polynesia

.pg Papua New Guinea

.ph Philippines

.pk Pakistan

.pl Poland

.pm St. Pierre and Miquelon

.pn Pitcairn

.pr Puerto Rico

.ps Palestine

.pt Portugal

.pw Palau

.py Paraguay


.qa Qatar


.re Reunion

.ro Romania

.rs Serbia

.ru Russia

.rw Rwanda


.sa Saudi Arabia

.sb Solomon Islands

.sc Seychelles

.sd Sudan

.se Sweden

.sg Singapore

.sh St. Helena

.si Slovenia

.sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is.

.sk Slovakia

.sl Sierra Leone

.sm San Marino .sn Senegal

.so Somalia

.sr Surinam

.st Sao Tome and Principe

.su USSR (former)

.sv El Salvador

.sy Syrian Arab Republic

.sz Swaziland


.tc The Turks & Caicos Islands

.td Chad

.tf French Southern Territories

.tg Togo

.th Thailand

.tj Tajikistan

.tk Tokelau

.tm Turkmenistan

.tn Tunisia

.to Tonga

.tp East Timor

.tr Turkey

.tt Trinidad and Tobago

.tv Tuvalu

.tw Taiwan

.tz Tanzania


.ua Ukraine

.ug Uganda

.uk United Kingdom

.um United States M.O Is.

.us United States

.uy Uruguay

.uz Uzbekistan


.va Holy See (Vatican)

.vc St Vincent & Grenadines

.ve Venezuela

.vg Virgin Islands British

.vi Virgin Islands U.S

.vn Vietnam

.vu Vanuatu

1.Who wrote the book " The Road Ahead" ?

2.The first cyber punk novel, the 'Shockwave Rider' was written by?

3.Who wrote the book 'Digital Literacy'?

4.Who is the author of 'XML by example' ?

5.Who co-authored the book 'Internet Bubble'?


6.Which famous entreprenuer's autobiography is 'iWoz'?

7.The book 'Literacy Machines' was written by?

8.'Neuromancer', a famous cyberpunk novel was authored by?

9.'Business @ the speed of thought' is written by?

10.'A mathematical theory of Communication', the paper which said that any thing and everything could be represented using '0' &'1' 's only was written by?


11.'Made in Japan' is an autobiography of?

12.Who is the author of 'How the web has won'?

13.'Dreaming big my journey to connect India' is a book written by?

14. Who is the author of the book 'Rebooting India: Realizing a Billin Aspirations?

2 authors in options

15.The FUTURE of the INTERNET is a book written by?


16.Everyone has heard of the catchphrase Intel inside. But whoauthored a book entitled InsideIntel?

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.wf Wallis and Futuna Islands

.ws Samoa


.ye Yemen

.yt Mayotte

.yu Serbia Montenegro


.za South Africa

.zm Zambia

.zr Zaire

.zw Zimbabwe

1.Who wrote the book " The Road Ahead" ?

2.The first cyber punk novel, the 'Shockwave Rider' was written by?

3.Who wrote the book 'Digital Literacy'?

4.Who is the author of 'XML by example' ?

5.Who co-authored the book 'Internet Bubble'?


6.Which famous entreprenuer's autobiography is 'iWoz'?

7.The book 'Literacy Machines' was written by?

8.'Neuromancer', a famous cyberpunk novel was authored by?

9.'Business @ the speed of thought' is written by?

10.'A mathematical theory of Communication', the paper which said that any thing and everything could be represented using '0' &'1' 's only was written by?


11.'Made in Japan' is an autobiography of?

12.Who is the author of 'How the web has won'?

13.'Dreaming big my journey to connect India' is a book written by?

14. Who is the author of the book 'Rebooting India: Realizing a Billin Aspirations?

2 authors in options

15.The FUTURE of the INTERNET is a book written by?


16.Everyone has heard of the catchphrase Intel inside. But whoauthored a book entitled InsideIntel?

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Amal Augustine

Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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