20 Latest College level Tech Quiz Questions 2018

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Latest College level Tech Quiz Questions 2018

This is a set of 20 latest College level Tech Quiz questions 2018.

1.To discourage the creation of predictable passwords, vulnerable to guessing attacks, “one company” presented
Telepathwords. As a user creates a password, Telepathwords makes real-time predictions for the next character that user will type. While the concept is simple, making accurate predictions requires efficient algorithms to model users’ behavior and to employ already-typed characters to predict subsequent ones. Which company introduced the  facility named”Telepath words” ?Ans:Microsoft2.Keyhole, Inc. , founded in 2001, was a pioneering software development company specializing in geospatial data visualization application . One of their product/service/Application is very familiar to us . Name it ?Ans : Google Earth

3.”Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches,”
Who said like this ?

Ans : former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer

4.’Project Shiksha’, the ____s initiative to accelerate IT literacy amongst government school teachers and students in India, has created a unique milestone by training two lakh teachers and impacting 10 million students across the India. Which company announced “Project Shiksha” ?

Ans: Microsoft India

5.________is  a programme which is being implemented with UNESCO’s assistance envisages to provide every gram panchayats in the state with their own web portals in Malayalam language. Each web portal covers detailed information of the Panchayat. The pilot project is implemented in Kannur through Akshaya, UNESCO is fully funding the pilot project besides supporting the portal design, technical assistance, training and research.
but unfortunately it is not at a state of working due to a cyber attack.Name it ?

Ans: ente gramam Web portal (entegramam.gov.in)

6.In 2003, four technology experts joined in Palo Alto  to establish _(a)__ . the Experts Are
“_(b)__, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White”.
Find “a”and”b”??

Ans:  a)Android Corporation. 
      b)Andi Rubin.   

7.The major milestone in the development of the Android system occurred on November 5th, 2007. On this day, Google unveiled __(?)____, it is a consortium of technology manufacturers that would work together to create open mobile device standards.
Name the Consortium ?

Ans: Open Handset Alliance (OHA)

—–“George Eastman” was a high school dropout.
—–he invented a “gelatine plate-coating machine”(used for early photography).
—–Henry A. Strong,an industrialist invested some money and Eastman formed ” the Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company”
—–later it was renamed as “___”and now they are a famous technology company focused on imaging.

Name the Company ??


9.—–Steven J. Sasson (born July 4, 1950) is an American electrical engineer.
——-he was an Employee of Kodak
——-He invented a Device,it was a mile stone in imaging technology

Name the Device??

Ans:Digital Camera(1975). It weighed 8 pounds (3.6 kg) and had only 0.01 megapixels

10.     “X” is a Mobile Phone Accessory
“X” is used by most of us
“X” is known as a Sign of “Narcissism”
“X” is not allowed in Most of the Famous
Name “X”  ?

Ans: Selfie Stick (called “Stick of Narcissism”)

11. the ‘University of Carolina’ and ‘London Citylit College’ Offers a new Course For  Detailed Studies in “___”

Ans: Selfie (Self Portrait Phtography)

12.—–“X”is an American Technology Company Founded          by Nick Woodman(2002)
——–“X” manufactures eponymous action cameras          and develops its own mobile apps and
video-editing software.
——–most of the Movie Fight,Racing Sequences are         Captured by there Cameras
Name “X”??


13.    “X”is created by the Google Cultural         Institute
“X”is used to Digitalize iconic Artworks in         Museums
Name “X” ??
Ans.Gigapixel ‘Art Camera’

14. In the game Named ___, users feed a giant mouth by popping flying popcorn. If you don’t pop the popcorn at the right time, however, the popcorn burns and you lose points. the app now has an attachment that lets users smell the popcorn they are popping.
Name The Game ??

Ans:”PopTopia” developed By PopSecret

15.A stop error, better known as a ____ is an error screen displayed on a Windows computer system after a fatal system error, also known as a system crash

Name it ??

Ans:BSoD—Blue Screen of Death
Tech Quiz
16.Nowadays Several Gadget Charging Techniques/Technologies Are Emerging.Technitions of Nokia and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) had invented a device(Prototype) with Zinc Oxide Nano-wires which is used to produce electricity and Recharge a gadget.which type of energy is converted in this device ??


17.Several Virtul Assistance Softwares are available for the Ease of Man.Leading Tech Firms are competing to develop the most Accurate and reliable virtul Assistant Technology . Facebook has launched a virtual assistant to the field ruled by Apple Siri,MS Cortana and Googlr Now.Name It ??

Ans:”Facebook M”

Tech Quiz Questions and answers 2018

18.American Farm Bureau Federation is a non-profitable organisation that  working through  to enhance and strengthen the lives of rural Americans and to build strong, prosperous agricultural communities.
Facebook Paid Farm Bureau $8.5 Million to  Acquire what ?

Ans:To acquire domain name “fb.com

19. “X” is called

“Patience,” especially in Britain.
“Success” (reussite)  in France
“Kabal” or “Kabala” (secret knowledge) In
Danish, Norwegian and Polish

“X”is a Game Developed to familiarise drag and
drop in graphical user interface(GUI)

Name “X” ??


20.google announced “Google pay” in I/O 2015 as a mile stone in digital payments.it is based on___?

Ans: Tokenization
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokenization_(data_security) )

Tech Quiz Questions by nandu lal krishna
Amal Augustine

Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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