
Books and Authors Questions from Previous years Kerala IT Quiz

Govind S R
A tech agog from Kerala.Web designer , Quizzer , editor . enthusiast in AI
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1. Weaving the web?  

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Tim Berners Lee


2. Being Digital?


Nicholas Negroponte

3.The road ahead?

Bill Gates

4.Night @ the call centre?

Chetan Bhagat

5.Future Crime?

Marc Goodman

6.MBA @ 16?

Subroto Bagchi

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

7. Mattoru .com Sandhyayil (malayalam)?


8. Entrepreneurship simplified?

SR Gopalan, Ashok Suta

9. Go kiss the world?

Subroto Bagchi

10.Grandma’s book of stories?

Sudha Murthy

11. Digital literacy?

Paul Gilster

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Govind S R
A tech agog from Kerala.Web designer , Quizzer , editor . enthusiast in AI

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