100+ Biz-Tech Quiz Questions and answers for Business & Technical Quiz

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Biz-Tech Quiz Questions and answers for Business & Technical Quiz

Welcome to the set of Biz-Tech quiz questions and answers. Comment how much score you received on these  business Technical Quiz questions.

1.This was the brainchild of Edward Callahan who configured a Telegraph machine to print on streams of paper tape it confirmed  quickly with investors and got its name from the type of sound its type wheel made what are we talking about?
Answer:  Stock ticker
2.Identify this
Answer: Salesforce
3.This a Ahmedabad based company is planning to merge with payment gateways CCavenue which company?
Answer: Infibeam
4. Eugene began his career in cybersecurity accidentally when his computer became infected with the
cascade wire in 1989 Eugene specialized education in cryptography helped him analyze the encrypted virus understand its behavior and develop a removal tool for it what was Eugene’s last name which is also the
Name of a famous company ?
Answer: Kaspersky (Eugene Kaspersky)
5. Identify this
Answer: UC Browser
6. UBER and Hyderabad Metro Rail limited have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to help extend the reach of the Metro using uber moto. What is Uber Moto ?
Answer: Bike-sharing
7. Identify this logo
Answer: Videocon
8. France’s Ingenico Group recently bought this bill payment service. Name the service?
Answer: Billjunction
9. project Nanjunda is a SOS button within this brand’s app for delivery boys when used it will send an SMS and an email notification alerting the hub in charge and nearest field executives. which company?
Answer: Flipkart
10. This media moguls cable network launched bold moves its first mobile game the game which is free to play is a feel-good cross between candy crush and wheel of fortune. which famous lady?
Answer: Oprah Winfrey
11. Which term was popularized by Alex’s fake knee Osborne in the 1953 book applied imagination that meant a creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for specific problems?
Answer: Brainstorming
12. After NYSE made a minority investment in NYXBT in 2015, which unique index did it launch that relies on rules-based on logic?
Answer: Bitcoin Index
13. This is the logo of an application called K blocker started by Julio Castillo it is an extension app for the iPhone and blocks content related to all references of a certain group of people with the byline don’t
let them break the internet. What does it block?
Answer: Kardashians (Kim, Khloe, Kim, Kylie, Khloe, Kendall, Kourtney, and even Kanye)
14. which term can be characterized by three V’s, volume variety and velocity and is often used when speaking about petabytes and exabytes that cannot be integrated easily?
Answer: Big Data
15. What game or toy in its simplest form is an object consisting of an axle connected to two discs and a length of string looped around the axle?
Answer: Yo-Yo
Biz-Tech Quiz questions and answers
16. Which classic NOKIA game was made available for other smartphones via an app in 2015?
Answer: Snake
17. Started by Azhar Iqubal, Deepit Purkayastha, Anunay Arunav, it tries to bring news to you in less than 60 words what app?
Answer: Inshorts
18. Akshay Qatari CEO of LinkedIn India joined LinkedIn why are the acquisition of a company he co-founded.
which one?
Answer: Pulse
19. Identify
Answer: Suchi Mukherjee, Limeroad
20. Which channel recently launched a youth-focused contemporary Hindi music channel called ROX?
Answer: Sony Rox HD
21. Identify this service
Answer: AdMob
22. Neev is a fund from which bank?
Answer: SBI
23. which company recently agreed to by China mall operator in time in a 2.6 billion dollar deal?
Answer:  Alibaba
24. Which digital wallet was founded by Bipin Preet Singh, Upasana Taku?
Answer: Mobikwik
Biz-Tech Quiz
25. FF91 is a car from this company faster than Tesla which scientist is this named after?
Answer: Faraday Fusion
26. Google no longer uses this term in its advertising policy the company has quietly erased the only explicit mention of the phrase from the rules for its Adsense platform what are the two words?
Answer: “fake news” – A now-deleted sentence had described “deceptively presenting fake news articles as real” as one possible scenario.
27. This airline has completed the expansion of Fly-Fi it’s free in-flight Wi-Fi service this makes it the only airline to offer wireless Internet to customers at no additional cost which airline?
Answer: JetBlue
28. This brand updated its iconic 1977 brother Dominic Super Bowl spot for the digital age. Which brand is it?
Answer:  Xerox
29. This company has launched a new online gaming service called a switch. Which company?
Answer: Nintendo
30. This co-founder along with Omidyar Network and John s and the James L Knight Foundation recently joined forces to create the ethics and governance of artificial intelligence funds. The Research Fund will focus on AI for the public good and will bring a more diverse range of voices like faith leaders and policymakers to AI research and development. Who are we talking about?
Answer: LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman
31. Glu Mobile has acquired a trivia app developer plain vanilla. What was the popular app from plain vanilla?
Answer: Quizup
32._____ is by far the most successful virtual world ever created with Sansa Linden Lab believe they can use virtual reality to create a far more immersive experience?
Answer: Second Life
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Amal Augustine

Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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