TCS IT Wiz 2012 Kolkata Prelims

Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.
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Hi friends, here we are presenting the TCS IT Wiz 2012 Kolkata  Prelims Questions.We have our sincere prayers & wishes to the Kolkata Finalist Akshay Agarwal who provided us the questions.
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1.What was created by Brendan Eich ?
2.What are the two words make “Intel”
Ans:Integrated Electronics
3.What was created by Tim Westergreen ?
Ans:Pandora Radio
4.Identify him?
Ans:Mike Lazaridis
5.Identify him?
Ans:Pranav Mistry
6.Which company created Playbook tablets ?
Ans:Research In Motion
7.Which company owns asked in the Hyd prelims also)
8.1 Zettabyte = How many bytes
9.Identify this ?
10.According to a robot.. Expand ACER ?
Ans:Advancement Combat Engineer Robot
11.Which company has services like N-Guru ?
12.Identify this Game(the name was erased there)
Ans:Diablo 3
13.What did Herman Hollerith created ?
Ans:Punched Card Tabulator
14.Expand “.mam” extension ?
Ans:Microsoft Access Macro
Ans:Wikipedia(for iOS)
16.What was developed by Sun Microsystems for iPhone 4
17. What is used to separate directory names ?
Ans:Backslash (” “)
18.Which group owns “Computational Research Laboratories”?
Ans:TATA Group
3 was a game which had the following characters– Pirates, Nerds, Punk,
Rockers,X. A major modern “entity” in the world of technology is X.
20.Connect: Napster, Plaxo, Facebook, Spotify, Votizen, Airtime. 
Ans:Sean Parker

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Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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