TCS IT WIZ Kochi Finals

Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.
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                        Experience Anticipation


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It was Originally developed by a guy named
wes cherry .It remained a part of their offerings .What simple thing
did gave the world of computing?

2.It’s a region of memory which is called a whole data location while data
is being moved from one location to another location. What is it
technically called?

3.Entities in the collection, are kept in order & he  principle
operations  are usually , addition to this entity list it normally work
in a FIFO ( First In First Out) structure?
4.It is a better name by which the world knew the Intel x86  & the
reason was it was made compatible with something else , hence this name?
5.Xerox developed this between 1973 & 1975 in many way it redefines modern computing.?
6.It was started as a research project at Telnor Telecom?
                            Audience questions
7.What do you call half of a byte?


It comes from greek mythology for
chosing to appear something else.What did the world of computers is


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                         Experience Diversity
1.Identify him?

 A.Nicolas Zenstorm

2.A particular invention by the English
computer scientist named James Plaskett in the mid 1990’s is used
today by a popular sport to track audio and video.Noices and images
that could otherwise be lost.What was he founded?
3.Who or what is a ‘Mouse Potato’?
A.A person who spends excessive amounts
of time using a computer.
4.The term was first used in the
cyberpunk science fiction written by William Gibson.Which term was
thus coined?
5.Bradley chose this key combination
because it is practically impossible to accidentaily press this
combination of keys on a standard keyboard.Which key combination did
David Bradley devise?
                                        @ TCS
1.What is today an offering from TCS at
first of its kind fully integrated IT solution….[buzzer]
2.Universal Tube announced a joined
partnership with TCS in Russia,Ukraine and the Republic of
3.Created in 2008 by TCS’s innovation
4.TCS actually provided its first
solution for a system concern which was Tata’s steel.What they
provided then was a similar technology which was used….[buzzer]
A.Punched Cards
                              Experience Oneness

             Your’s is Here                 +     


           Services                    +        


He is describing about AADHAR project


           +    and something related to MindTree


       “Nothing like anything”          +     Background song – Sing is King

                            Experience Acheivement 

                          Question 1
15-In 1959 when Hollerith limited took
over Powers-Samas,they renamed it as International Computers &
10-It is a software wing of RPG group
headquarted in Pune,India.
5-Dr.Ganesh Natarajan is the CEO of
this company
                            Question 2
15-His company was the domain
in India in 1996.
10-He is currently chairman of the Govt
of India,Ministry of IT Committee in Internet Governance and
5-He is the chairman of the Board of
Governers of the Indian Institute of Managemant,Calcutta.
Ans:Ajit Balakrishnan
                             Question 3
15-this technology was pioneered by
John G Daugman,of University of Camebridge Computer Laboratory..
10-It is a form of Person recogination
Ans:Iris Technology


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Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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