TCS IT Wiz Hyderabad Prelims 2016 Questions and answers

Amal Augustine
Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..
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TCS IT Wiz Hyderabad Prelims 2016

Hi friends, here we are presenting the TCS IT Wiz Hyderabad Prelims 2016

1.Which hyderabad startup’s name when translated to English means “our right”?
2.The term was originally coined by Michael Mauldin.It’s a software which generates an instant reply. It is designed to answer like a Human.
3.Who wrote the book Business @ the speed of thought?
Ans:Bill Gates
4.Formed originally to offer research and analysis to United States Armed forces, this company literally gets its name from research and development?
Ans:RAND Corporation
5.The inventor , John Shepherd-Barron, had at first envisioned a six-digit numeric code, but his wife could only remember four digits, and that has became the most commonly used length in many places, although banks in Switzerland and many other countries require a six digit X. What am I talking about?

6.Identify the person [Hint:Founder of]


Ans:Sanjeev Bikhchandani
7.Founders of which famous news app in India ?

8.Which country joined the internet in 1996 with three networks namely Raphael, Michel and Gabriel ? [Hint: Focus on the name]
Ans:Vatican City
9.Richard Wurman is credited with the Idea of what? This site is mainly credited with discussions on Hot Topics and “Ideas worth spreading” ?
10.If  a startup valued at One Billion $ is called a unicorn, what is the name given to startups valued at over 10 Billion $?
11.One of the great creation legends of game design is that Toru Iwatani, while eating a pizza, looked down at the pie with a missing slice and used the outline as inspiration for  distinctive shape in the game. The story was furthered by Iwatani himself; when the game’s  fever was at its height, he even posed with a half-eaten pizza for a publicity photograph. “In Japanese, the character for mouth [kuchi] is a square shape. It’s not circular like the pizza, but I decided to round it out,” he said. And thus, the game was born. Which game?

12.Beth Comstack, Jason Kilar created which online service? It also derive The name  from two Mandarin Chinese word “calabash; bottle gourd” and of which The secondary meaning is “interactive recording”. The founders saw both definitions as appropriate bookends
13.Which controversial website publishes new leaks, secretive and confidential government information and has been held responsible for leaking of many of the secrets of Worldwide governments? It has been highly criticized by the US Government and many other governments worldwide.
14.Whose first tweet ?


Ans:Pope Francis
15.Identify [Hint:If you use apple, you definitely should know this one.]

Logo of Hon Hai (media ommitted because of no attribution to post that in my blog)

Ans:Hon Hai (Foxconn)
16.X was launched on August 12, 1998, as a spare-time project by Senh Duong. His goal in creating X was “to create a site where people can get access to reviews from a variety of critics in the U.S. [Hint : It uses the name of a vegetable]
Ans:Rotten Tomatoes

17.This award is given to the best startups. Techcrunch sponsors it. Which awards?

The 6th Annual Crunchies Awards on January 31, 2013 in San Francisco

Ans:Crunchies Awards
18.This company was founded by two former employees from XEROX Parc as InterPress?We use a lot of their softwares for designing purposes.


Ans:Free Software Foundation
20.Old logo of ?


Ans: Apple

Credits: Quizpedia

*Actual images used in TCS IT Wiz Hyderabad Prelims 2016 quiz maybe slight different ones, Due to copyright problems we had used the best image we could do

That’s all the  TCS IT Wiz Hyderabad Prelims 2016 Quiz questions, why just Hyderabad? Check other posts too

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Amal Augustine
Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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