TCS IT Wiz 2012 Hyderabad Prelims

Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.
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Hi friends, Here we are presenting the TCS IT WIZ 2012 Hyderabad Prelim Questions.
We have our sincere thanks & wishes for the TCS IT WIZ 2012 Hyderabad Winner , Syed Murtuza Hashmi, who provided us the question.

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1.Who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence”
Ans:John McCarthy
2.“To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer” . This concept was by which organisation?
Ans:Free Software Foundation
3.The recent Indian ecommerce website- is by which online giant?


Ans:Adobe Flash
5.Which common word comes from the sound that a bullet makes while striking a metal. It means “A short, high-pitched electronic pulse”?
Clue: Used in submarines
6.Which technology by Microsoft enables us to open a multimedia file without any delay?
Ans:Active X
7.Expand BCC in emails
Ans:Blind Carbon Copy
8.Identify this Indian

Ans:Ankit Fadia
9.Soft and Rocket are sizes for what in the internet world? It is widely used in internet publishing
10.Which game character was originally called Jumpman? He is a carpenter by profession and is very popular.

Ans:Zomato12.What is ISRO’s equivalent of Google Earth called?
13.Which famous company’s logo is called Larry the bird?
14.Identify this gadget.Need a specific answer

Ans:Nintendo Wii U
15.Who is the first Indian woman to head a missile project in India?
Ans:Tessy Thomas
16.Which company is the official IT partner of the London Olympics 2012?
Ans:Atos Origin
17.This was the original blueprint of which website

18.Which version of Windows phone OS runs on the Lumia series of smartphones by Nokia?
19.Nathaniel Baldwin created what in his kitchen and then sold his creation to the United States Navy?
20.Identify the person in the extreme right

 Ans:Sean Parker

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Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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  1. Hey thank u very much 4 all ur posts. it's really great help u're doin' 2 us. Can u just help me as in which topics 2 prepare n give more preferences to as this is the last year of my participation n all i wanna have is a victory.


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