TCS IT Wiz 2012 Bhubaneswar Prelims

Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.
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 Hi friends, Here we are presenting the TCS IT WIZ 2012 Bhubaneswar Prelim Questions.The questions were provided by Dwiti Krushna Das thanks dude.

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1.1 Byte = how many bits ?
Ans:8 bits
2.What in this world uses MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 digital compression technology and is transmitted using INSAT 4A at 83 degrees E ?
Ans:TATA Sky
3.What is the fullform of COBOL ?
Ans:COmmon Business Oriented Language
4.Grace Murray Hooper wrote the first_____ in 1952? (opt:Bug,Compiler,BIOS)

5.What is Google’s headquarters nicknamed ?
6.For which device did Apple make it’s Newton OS for?
Ans:Newton PDA
7.Identify him

Ans:Vinod Dham
8.Connect SPSS , LEXMARK , Pwc and the sale of Thinkpad in 2005.
9.What was created by Eduaro Saverin ,Chris Huges , Dustin Muzkovitz and other guy?

11.X was officially launched on MTV on May 12, 2005.The detailed
launch and game information divulged later that month at the
Electronic Entertainment Expo.What is X ?
Ans:Xbox 360
12.Which former Google executive was hired by Yahoo to take up their Chief Executive Officer Post?
Ans:Marissa Mayer
13.Identify this game

Ans:Cut The Rope
14.Which brand in this world created the Whispernet for its trademark device?
15.Chrome :: Google :::::  Firefox  :: _________ ?
16.Identify the company

Ans:SONY(Vaio TV Ad)
17.Which company acquired Conner Peripherals,Maxtor and EVault?
18.Identify this entity.

19.Who has developed AISHA a competitor for SIRI in the market?
20.Which company makes these(name was erased)


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Britto Sabu
Quizzer | TCS IT Wiz Runner up Kochi | Data Scientist and ML Enthusiast | Mathematics and Tech.

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