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!T QU!Z 37

1.We turn on ideasA.Seagate2.Name d machine which gave d idea of punch cards to babage...A.Jaquard Loom3.To which company did IBM sell its PC manufacturing...

!T QU!Z 36

1.'Start a following' is the tagline of ?A.Zen2.ENQUIRE was a prototype system made by which tech personality?A.Tim Berners Lee3.Name the recently unveiled...

!T QU!Z 35

1.Of which famous computer company was Michael M. Scott the first president in 1977?A.Apple2.Name the statistician credited with coining two of the most often...

!T QU!Z 34

1.Which famous California-based company has the NYSE ticker STX?A.Seagate2.Sanjay Mehrotra is a co-founder (and present COO) of which American multinational corporation?A.Sandisk3.Expand POSIXA.Portable...

!T QU!Z 32

1.What is Sun Microsystems's Linux desktop software based on X86 chip called?A.Mad Hatter2.What is the successor to Intel's...

!T QU!Z 31

1.The next generation of bar-code system has EPC as its numbering scheme. Expand EPC.A.Electronic Product Code2.Name W3C's popular...

!T QU!Z 30

1.Which famous hit PC game was created by Will Wright?A.Sims.2.Whose new email service is called `Managed...

!T QU!Z 29

1.What is Apple's device that will stream movies from a computer to a TV codenamed?A.iTV2.Which highly successful portal...

!T QU!Z 28

1.Symantec unveiled SONAR to find zero-day attacks. Expand SONAR.A.Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response.2.Which search engine's...

!T QU!Z 27

1.What was co-founded by Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield?A.Flickr2.What is `Project Panama'?A.Yahoo!'s...

!T QU!Z 26

1.What is common to the games `Missile Command', `Sprint 2' and `Asteroid'?A.All made by atari2.Name the free OS,...

!T QU!Z 25

1.Whichcompany was found on 1993 by Jen-Hsun Huang and Chris Malachowsky?A.Nvidia2.Expand OLEDA.Organic Light Emitting Diode3.Project Gutenberg is from whom?A.Michael S...

I.T Quiz Questions and Answers for School Students

I.T Quiz Questions and Answers  1. What is DLP? A.Digital Light Processing2. Dreamcast is made by whom? A.Sega3. What was made by Trip Hawkins in 1982? A.EA(Electronic Arts)4....

Technology Trivia Questions and Answers 2020

These are the set of few Tech Trivia questions and answers 2020.  1. What was co-founded by Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield? A.Flickr2. What is `Project...


  1.Who is known as the father of Mobile phone? A.Martin cooper 2.Expand PAN A.Personal Area Network 3.Which is the Gaming Console made by microsoft in 2001? A.Xbox 4.Expand AIBO? A.Artficial Intelligence...
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