
Kerala IT Quiz

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IT Quiz Questions for College IT Quiz 2017

This page has a set of 40 IT Quiz questions for any college-level IT Quiz. If you are preparing for any college-level IT Quizzes,...

Latest IT Quiz questions 2017, submitted by Sachin Sajeev

Latest IT Quiz questions 2017, submitted by Sachin Sajeev1.Expand PANAns: Personal Area Network2.Name the keralites who starred in Vodafone's elderly couples 4G advertisement?Ans:VP Dhananjayan...

Cyborg Quiz|Cyborgs and Cyborg Activists|By Nandulal Krishna

Cyborg Quiz|Cyborgs and Cyborg Activists|By Nandulal Krishna Cyborg Quiz Questions and answers by Nandulal Krishna From Wayanad,Kerala,India1. "HET" is Defined as any attempt to temporarily...

Kerala State School IT Quiz 2016 Questions and answers

Kerala state School IT Quiz 2016 was conducted by VK Adarsh sir as usual. This Year the IT Quiz was held in Shornur Palakkad.Here...

Information Technology Quiz Questions and answers 2017

Information Technology Quiz Questions and answers 2017 1. Identify the logoAns: Mailchimp 2. What is the relevence of the below image?Ans: Facebook bans your account if...

Malappuram District IT Quiz HS Questions and answers 2016

Malappuram District HS IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016 1) X is A toolbar seen at the top of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet window that...

Latest IT Quiz Questions and answers 2017

Latest Information Technology Quiz Questions 2017 1. "an effort to create and distribute a multilingual free _________of the highest quality to every single person on...

Digital India IT Quiz Questions and answers

Digital India IT Quiz Questions and answers 2017#1 • X paired up with Tata Trusts to launch an initiative to provide rural women in...

Latest Information Technology Quiz Questions 2017

Latest Information Technology Quiz Questions 2017 for students preparing for Kerala IT Quiz 2016 prepared by Kiran G Krishnan1.  Who wrote the book "The...

Trivandrum District IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016

Trvandrum District IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});1.Malicious computer worm by Israel, targets...

Wayanad district IT Quiz Questions and answers UP Level 2016

Wayanad district IT quiz UP Sessions conducted by suresh sir (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});UP level 1.SIM full form: subscriber identity...

Wayanad district IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016

Wayanad district IT Quiz  HSS Questions and answers 2016  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});1.IdentifyAns: Uncyclopedia2. Which logo consist of an...

Kozhikode IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016 Sasthramela

 Check Kozhikode IT Quiz  HSS Questions and answers 2016 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});1.Identify the logo*image omitted from post due...

Latest Information Technology Quiz Questions 2017

Latest Information Technology Quiz Questions done on WhatsApp IT Quiz group (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});1. X is a free...

IT Quiz Questions and answers by Nandu lal from Wayanad

IT Quiz Questions and answers follows (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});All Categories 1. What is Cyberduck? 2.App named prisma had been gained...
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Rural IT Quiz National Final

First Round (Byte Clouds) Q1. This is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using Character.Answer : EMOTICONQ2. This Public Blockchain Platform has Ada as its...
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TCS IT Wiz 2020 Quarter final

(Digital Readiness) Q1. Who is this extremely important innovator, and the founder pf Khan Academy.Answer : Sal Khan Q2. A great man who said "school sometimes...

Tcs Inquizitive 2023. 10th Quarter final

First Round (Predictive Intelligence) Q1. This Google doodle was made to celebrate Olas Romer's experiment which determined what important quality or quantity is .............................?Answer : Calculate...

TCS Inquizitive 2023 National Finals

First Frontier  (Predictive Intelligence) Q1. What is the cause of these marks on the face of the Moon?Answer : ISS TransitQ2. Known as Fox Sedge tree...