SBI Numero Yono Quiz questions and answers from Delhi 2020, these are the finals questions and answers. The preliminary round of the quiz was Multiple choice questions that have to be done on our own mobile phone, and the questions were random for every team and there was 10 seconds time for every question. And if you can’t answer the question within 10 seconds, it will navigate you to the next question.
PS: There will be one long question and you won’t get time to read the entire question and beware to submit an answer before the timer ends. Most people failed to answer it and went time out.
SBI Numero Yono Quiz Finals Questions & Answers 2020
Question 1 What started as a grassroots movement, with support from hundreds of local community groups and experts in and around the city and has inspired to commit to ensure that more than half the area of the city remains green and all residents have access to nature. Which city has thus been officially designated the world's first national park city?

Question 2: ICU is the worldwide sports governing body of 'X' and is provisionally recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as such. It's membership includes 116 National __________ Federations on all continents reaching over 5 million athletes globally. Established on April 26, 2005, it carries one of the highest rate of Catastrophic injuries in sports. Identify the event?

Question 3- What is the name of this former writing system

Question 4- Seamen proudly sported these as a mark of their travels and voyages. Young sailors were given these when they rounded the treacherous waters of Cape Horn or crossed equator for the first time. These were also worn for superstitious reasons and also some thought it could cure their eyesight. All of that proved to be false, though these ( if made with precious metals) were enough to pay for a sailor's funeral if his body washed ashore. Some seamen even engraved the name of their home port on the inside so that their bodies could be sent to their families for a proper burial. What are being talked about?

Question 5 - The medal of Valor is the highest Israeli military decoration. The medal was designed by Dan Reisinger in the shape of a star of David. A sword and olive branch decorate the left side, while the reverse is plain. The medal is attached to a yellow ribbon. What is the significance of yellow color?

The '_____________ League' was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe. It got it's name from the Old High German word for a convoy, and this word was applied to bands of merchants traveling between cities whether by land or by sea. Which company gets its name by combining the name of this league with the German or the field in which it functions?

The common name of this element is though to be derived from Greek word meaning "Opposed to Solitude", as its believed never to exist in pure form. Another story behind this element's name is that it's derived from French meaning "Monk Killer" because many early alchemists were monks, and this element is poisonous. Which element is this?

Listed in Schedule II Part 2 of the Wildlife Protection Act, any smuggling or possession of body part of this animal is a non bailable offence. However, estimates suggest that 6000 of these creatures have been killed in the past year to obtain their body part which is used to make painting brushes. The government launched 'Operation Clean Art', a widespread crackdown on factories making paint brushes with the hair of this animal. Which animal?

Under the Mansabdari system which governed the nobility, the Mughal Emperor didn't give perpetual grants of land. On death, all land that had been granted to the noble reverted back to the emperor, effectively 100% estate tax. Since land could not be handed down to the next generation, there was very little incentive for the Mughal nobility to build palaces or the kind of ancestral homes that are common in Europe. The Exception to the rule, however, was for X structures which would not revert back to the Emperor. Hence we see so many X structures, but not as many Mughal Palaces. What is X?

Surprisingly, this condition actually has an International classification of Diseases code and its medical name, 'sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia' illustrates how doctors can make the most mundane of conditions sound life-threatening. The most detailed study of it, published in the British Medical Journal would ordinarily be deserving of an Ig Nobel Prize were it not for the fact that its author was 13 year old. What is this Freeze effect also known as?

In 2016, the Govt. of uttarakhand decided to spend Rs 25 Crore for a search focusing on the Drongiri range of Himalayas near the Chinese border but the people of the nearby villages were against his decision. What was the mythical search for?

In the Italian city of Modena, farfalle are known as strichetti. A larger variation of farfalle is known as farfalloni, while the miniature version is called farfallaine. It dates back to the 16th century in the Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna regions of Northern Italy. What does "Farfalle means in Italian?

The soft drink was created in Peru in 1935 by British immigrant Joseph Robinson Lindley. It has been described as "an acquired taste" whose intense colour is enough to drive away the uninitiated. What is the name of this beverage, a source of national pride and patriotism in Peru?d

In 1964 Hindi movie is the first Indian film that features only a single actor and hence was found an entry in the Guinness Book of World records in the category 'Fewest Actors in a narrative film'. Which film?

It was named in 1870 during the Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition and was the first of its kind in the patk to receive a name. It is a highly predictable geothermal feature, and has erupted every 44 minutes to two hours since 2000. Identify this natural phenomenon

The founder chose the brand name because it "abbreviated easily" rather than for any literal meaning. Other rumoured explanations have circulated alleging that the name was selected to reference Jesus' crucifixion or a tribute to Freddy Kruger, the antagonist of the Nightmare on the Elm street franchise. Which band?

In 1975, he appeared in advertisements with the Hertz rental car company, in whose commercials he was depicted running through airports, serving embodiment of speed. It was estimated that the very successful campaign raised the recognition rate among people he met from 30% to 90%. He was originally cast as The Terminator, until director James Cameron decided he wasn't believable as "a killing machine". Who?

This military term has various meanings depending on the country and service. In land armies, it is generally used for a relatively senior soldier who supervises stores or barracks and distributes supplies and provisions. In many navies, it refers to an officer with particular responsibility for steering and signals. What term?

The Harbin International ice and snows is an annual winter festival which is now the largest ice and snow festival in the world. Featuring some of the world's biggest ice sculptures erected throughout the city, in which country is this festival celebrated?

Connect with a single word 👉🏻 A trans-boundary river in Bangladesh with an ongoing dispute about water rights. 👉🏻 An alcoholic beverage from a state in Western India.

Which renowned Indian geneticist, honoured by TIME Magazine as one of the twenty most influential Asians of the 20th century, was bestowed with the first world agriculture prize by the Indian Council of Food and Agriculture?
Which incumbent minister in the Union Government played the role of lanak Maharaj at Delhi's Ram Leela celebrations of 2018?

Megasthenes in his Indica mentions about a river named jobares on whose banks lived a tribe called Sourasenol near the city of Methora. Which river was he referring to?

The story goes that Emperor Shah Jahan once ordered his royal chefs to prepare a sweet that would be as pure and as while as the marble-clad Taj Mahal. During the 17th century reign of Shah Jahan, this soft sugary sweet is said to have provided instant energy to the thousands of workers involved in building the Taj Mahal. Which sweet?

A special edition watch was made by Hamilton for a 2014 movie that was integral to the plot and known by fans as 'The Murph'. Which movie?

Mainly revolving around the love story of Radha and Krishna, this folk dance is known as 'Dalkhai' because the word is used in the beginning and ending of every stanza to address to a girl friend. In which state of India is this popular folk dance practiced?

Smoking caps otherwise known as _______________ caps are caps worn by men to stop their hair from smelling smoke. They are also worn to keep the head warm. They were popular during 19th century England, usually by Gentlemen in the privacy of their home, what is the popular name of this cap an essential element in quizzing?
Meat hanging is a culinary process historically practiced by butchers. Why are the dead carcasses hanged?
This is actually a factory rejected toy which was later sent to this person by his grandson Sewashi so that both could alter their conditions. It was not always afraid of mice but is afraid because a mice once bit one of his ears. This is why he lost his ears.Who is this, also chosen as the Special ambassador for Japanese Olympics bid?

Issued on his 100th birthday on April 18, 1958, which social reformer became the first living Indian to appear on a postal stamp of India?

This is the photo of a famous English women with her surfing board in Cape Town South Africa. She was among first 'stand up' surfers. Balance plays a crucial role in standing on a surfboard which she did brilliantly, but the world know her for her writing skills. Who is this well known writer?

Lake Malawl is the third largest lake in Africa and the ninth largest in the world. It has approximate dimensions of 365 miles from North to South and 52 miles broad, give its nickname?

Under the regime of Joseph Stalin, money was desperately needed to fund the Soviet Union. Instead of melting down, something for their previous metals, he secretly told them on the black market for far less than their market value so he could obtain easy cash. Buyers included American businessman Armand Hammer and British Jeweler Emmanual Snowman. What?

A piece of Assamese culture, this piece of cloth is used as multipurpose towel, valued as a gift to visitors, it serves the purpose of a scarf and can also be wrapped around the head like a turban. What is the name of this significant Assamese article that literally translates to something to wipe the body with. ?

The _________ tiles are remarkable in that they contain nearly all, if not all, the seventeen mathematically possible wallpaper groups. This is a unique accomplishment in World architecture, Escher's visit in 1922, and study of the Moorish use of symmetries ,inspired his subsequent work on tessellation, which he called "regular divisions of the plane". Fill in the blanks with an entity that means the red one.