Questions and answers of Preliminary round of Kerala State Level IT Quiz 2017
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This is a tweaked version of Kerala State IT Quiz 2017 . Actual questions were different from this set.
Kerala State IT Quiz 2017 Questions and Answers by Viswa Prabha.
1. HDMI full form
Ans: High Defenition Multimedia interface.
2. Id.
Ans: Sahir Khan.
3. If 14.04 what stands for 17.04.
Ans: Zesty Zapus
4. full form of SDR.
Software defined radio
5. Logo of
Ans: Geogebra
6. Expand REGEX
Ans:Regular Expressions
7. What is Gigafactory ?
Ans: Huge battery of Tesla company
8. What is PGP.
Ans: Pretty good privacy (used for encrypt file)
9. id them.
Ans: Mark zuckerberg
Bill Gates
Steve jobs
10. Full form of ISCII.
Ans: Indian Script code for information interchange.
11. Id them.
Ans: Jimmy Wales
12. Id the logo.
Ans: Bitcoin
13. Id them.
Vijay Sekhar sharma
Nandan nilekini
Anwar sadath
Sudha moorthy
14. Expand BASIC.
Ans: Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
15. Id logo.

Ans: WikiData
16. Id the part of a machine.
Ans: Part of Babbage’s difference engine
Kerala State IT Quiz 2017
17. Where is the NIELIT in Kerala located?
Ans: Kozhikode
18. What is fly by wire….. (which branch in science using this technique)
Ans: A step up technology Aircrafts controlled by computers.
19. RSS ( In web technology)
Ans: Really Simple Syndicate
20. What is F,J,5 keys speciality.
Ans: Used for blind persons to use computers.
21. Sahasthra and adithya in Bangalore…… What is their speciality…. one in pune.
Ans: Supercomputer or High performance computer
22. Expand TED (
Ans: Technology Entertainment Design
23. A test for machines eligibility if there is more IQ than humans. Which is that test.
Ans: Turing test
24. What is odometry?
Ans: Use of data from motion sensors to estimate change in position over time.
25. What is hyperjacking?(which field)
Ans: Attack in virtual machine.
26. in 1986 students of university of california started a group.What is the groups name……. its short form is a file format. (or) name the package.
Ans: XCF (Experimental computing )
27. You know red hat in computer field. then what is or what is it associated with Black hat white hat black hat grey hat.
Ans: Ethical Hacking
28. Id the person.
Ans: Sam Pitroda
29. Id the logo associated with smart phone.

Ans: Android based OS
30. IP address of local host.
Kerala State IT Quiz 2017