Kerala State IT Quiz

Kerala State Preliminary Round IT Quiz Questions HS & HSS 2018

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Preliminary Round IT Quiz Questions and answers of Kerala State IT Fest 2018

1.This website which was recently released is connected to which personality?

Answer- Herman Gundert

2. EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly-owned subsidiary of which company ?

Answer: Infosys

3. X’ Optumera is a Digital Merchandising Suite that harnesses the power of Big Data analytics, and prescriptive algorithms to respond to evolving consumer and market trends. Identify X?

Answer- TCS’ Optumera

4. Identify this logo

Answer- github

5.What is Poco F1?

Answer- Smartphone by Xiaomi

Kerala State IT Quiz 2018

6. Toughbook is a trademarked brand name owned by which company?

Answer- Panasonic Corporation and refers to its line of rugged computers.

7.Mr X registered “” as a possible name, of his famous company. Identify Mr.X?

Answer- Jeff Bezos


8. KEYone phone is from?

Answer- The BlackBerry KeyOne

9. Country X will unilaterally implement a digital service tax if there is no

international agreement soon on how to tax big internet companies, finance minister Philip Hammond said, blaming U.S. tax reforms for slow multilateral progress.

“If we cannot reach agreement, the we will go it alone with a Digital Services Tax of its own,” minister said. Identify this


Answer- UK

10. Expand IRINN??

Answer: Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers

11.What Is

Answer – is a public DNS resolver that makes

Domain Name System queries faster and more secure

12. Company X launched an AI based ChatBot – “MATTU & MITTU”.

Identify X?

Answer- The Muthoot Group



13. Hashtags are everywhere. They are used by millions across all social media platforms.

But the concept of tagging social media groups or topics with a hashtag is credited to one man.

The inventor of the #tag ?

Answer-Chris Messina

14. .OOO is gTLD, owned by………?


15. X said sorry for wrong Aadhaar breach report. Tagline of X is “security to be free”

Identify X?


16. X was born in London on Dec:10, 1815 X showed her gift for mathematics at an early age.

she introduced many computer concepts, and is considered the 1st computer programmer.

In 1843 she publishes notes on Babbages Analytical Engine.

Answer- Ada Lovelace


1. AND, OR and NOT
2. born November 2, 1815

3. elected fellow of theRoyal Society
4. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought …?

Answer- George Boole

Kerala State IT Quiz 2018


1.electromechanical tabulation of punched card data
2.founder of tabulating machine company

Answer- Herman Hollerith

19. Mr. X devised the first practical

Differential analyser .

He is Claude Shannon’s graduate advisor.

This American electrical engineer is one of the pioneers of computing.

Over the span of his life, X held 49 electronics patents. Identify Mr X?

Answer- Vannevar Bush

20.George Robert Stibitz, In 1940 he and Samuel Williams, a colleague at a company, built the Complex Number Calculator, considered a forerunner of the digital computer.

Identify this company?

Answer- Bell Labs


21. Two Incidents, same year

1. John Vincent Atanasoff conceived basic design principles for the first electronic-digital computer and, assisted by his graduate student, Clifford E. Berry, constructed a prototype here in October ——–. It used binary numbers, direct logic for calculation, and a regenerative memory. It embodied concepts that would be central to the future development of computers.

2.In the same year Hewlett and Packard decided to formalize their partnership. They tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be

called Hewlett-Packard (HP) or Packard-Hewlett.

Answer- 1939

22. A world famous writer publishes the science fiction short story Liar!

in the May issue of Astounding Science Fiction.

In it, he introduced the Three Laws of Robotics:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2.A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

This is thought to be the first known use of the term “robotics.”. Who is this SF author?

Answer-  Isaac Asimov this machine

Conceived by Harvard physics professor Howard Aiken, and designed and built by IBM, this machine is a room-sized, relay-

based calculator.
This machine was originally called the

“Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator” by IBM, and often referred to as the “Harvard Calculator” when first installed in Cambridge in 1944. It started to be known in this name, as its successor machines were built.
What’s the name of this machine?

Answer- Harvard Mark I


Kerala State IT Quiz 2018


This component was successfully demonstrated on December 23, 1947.

The three individuals credited with the invention of this component were William Shockley, John Bardeen and

Walter Brattain.
This proved to be a viable alternative to

then existing system.
Identify the component we are talking about ?

Answer- Transistor


25. Identify

Answer- Grace Murray Hopper


26. In 1958 Jack Kilby of X company, and Robert Noyce of Y company independently thought of a way to reduce

circuit size further. Identify Company X and Y?

Answer- Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments, Inc.,

and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.


27. Born in 1953, graduated Harvard in 1974 in physics. He worked at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab from 1971 to 1984, developing system software including the first extensible text editor Emacs, plus the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also nown as truth maintenance.

In 1983 he launched a movement by announcing the project to develop the GNU operating system, planned to consist entirely

of a particular software. Who is this person?

Answer- Richard Mathew Stallman


28.Celeron is a brand name given by a company to a number of different computer microprocessor models targeted

at low-cost personal computers. Identify the company?

Answer- Intel


29. If your answer is “the computer champion on Jeopardy”

then the question will be?

Answer- “What is Watson?” On February 16, 2011, an IBM supercomputer, Watson won a three-day tournament against two experienced human players on the GK TV Quiz show Jeopardy.

Kerala State IT Quiz 2018

30. Recipient of Turing Award in the year 2016?

Answer- Tim Berners Lee

That’s all the questions and answers in the prelims of Kerala State IT Quiz 2018.

Kerala State School IT Quiz Package 2019

Best for Kerala Sub District, District and State level IT Quiz
99 Lifetime
  • 300 IT Quiz Questions in Excel Format
  • 5 eBooks on IT Quiz
  • An IT Quiz Google Drive ~1GB Contents
  • Latest Tech News,Founders,Logo,Companies
  • Best for Sub District, District and State level IT Quiz
  • Free IT Quiz Files published by IT @ School
  • No Ads on Contents
  • Quiz on Current Affairs. Link- Click here for Content info
  • 1000 Tech Facts eBook
  • Access to an active WhatsApp group with fellow IT Quizzers from Kerala
Amal Augustine

Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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