Blogger | Developer | Quizzer.
I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi.
Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..
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Trvandrum District IT Quiz Questions and answers 2016
1.Malicious computer worm by Israel, targets programmable logic gates.It is a spyware.Identify
Ans:- Stuxnet
2#Connect:- v for vendetta, robin hood,freedom fighters,ISIS.
Ans.: Anonymous.
3# X was formed in 2004 to fight the cyber attacks against the governments in India.In 2013 X splitted and Y was formed.Y manages the banking ,telecom and cyber safety of India.Identify X and Y.
X:- CERT(computer emerfgency response team India) Y:- NCIIPC(National critical information infrastructure protection center )
4# (.de) is the Top level domain of which country?
5# Who is known as the theoretical father of computer virology ?
Ans:Jon Von Neumann.
6# identify :-
Z1 (worlds first binary digital computer)
7# X is known as the first flying taxi.It was introduced in CES 2016.X has 8 propellers. X was invented by the Chinese aeronautics company called Y.It can be mentioned as the future of e- commerce.Identify the drone X and the company Y.
14# Name the channel launched by YouTube for eyewitness videos
Ans:- YouTube news wire.
15# Cube stormer 3 is the robot that solved the Rubics cube in just 3 seconds.Cube stormer was created by X and Y together.X is a series of kits that contain software and hardware to create customizable , programmable robots.Y is an android smartphone that was first shown publicly in march 2013@New York .It becametge first smartphone to support the emerging LTE advanced mobile network standard.Identify X and Y
X:- Lego mind storms Y:- Samsung galaxy S4.
16#Expand VVPAT:-
Ans:voter variable paper audit trial.
17# X is a social communications company founded by Philip Mohin and Touraj Parang.The features of X includes Social networking focused on voice that require no software downloads or access pins.Currently the company X is located in Menlo Park,CA. Later in 2009 X was aquired by an Indian company Y. Identify X and Y and also founder of Y?
Y-Sabsebolo by Sabir Bhatia
18# Connect
Unix, Linux Solaris OSX and Microsoft Windows.
What is common?
Ans: Apache, The web server used in these is made by Robert Mc cool
19# Name the initiative launched by Google along with tata trust to educate women in rural India on the benefits of using internet?
Ans: Internet Saathi
More Questions will be added to this thread, keep visiting
Father of HTML
father of Wireless Communication
Father of Mouse
Father of Super Computer
Father of Indian Super Computer
Father of CSS
Father of Cellular Phone
Father of U.S.B
Father of Modern Robotics
Father of Mechanical Calculator
Father of Portable Computer
Father of Li-Fi
Father of Bio-Informatics
Father of Video Games
Father of ATM
Father of Near Field Communication (NFC)
Father of Indian Information Technology
Father of Laptop Computer
Father of Radio
Father of Free Software Foundation
Father of World Wide Web
Father of Fiber Optics
Father of Digital Camera
Father of Computer Science
Father of Information Theory
Father of E-mail
Father of Internet
Father of BlueTooth
Father of Java
Father of Wi-Fi
Father of Linux Kernel
Father of JavaScript
Father of Telephone
Father of FM Broadcasting
Father of Computer?
“Fathers” in Technology Sector ,101 Inventors of Several Technologies and Devices , Sure Questions For I.T Quizzes Made By Nandulal Krishna
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Blogger | Developer | Quizzer.
I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi.
Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..
First Round
(Byte Clouds)
Q1. This is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using Character.Answer : EMOTICONQ2. This Public Blockchain Platform has Ada as its...
(Digital Readiness)
Q1. Who is this extremely important innovator, and the founder pf Khan Academy.Answer : Sal Khan Q2. A great man who said "school sometimes...
First Round
(Byte Clouds)
Q1. This is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using Character.Answer : EMOTICONQ2. This Public Blockchain Platform has Ada as its...
(Digital Readiness)
Q1. Who is this extremely important innovator, and the founder pf Khan Academy.Answer : Sal Khan Q2. A great man who said "school sometimes...
Respected Robin Sir,
Thanks for the wonderful quiz questions.
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