We are celebrating 3 Lac page views today, Win IT Quiz Google Drive

Amal Augustinehttp://www.ITQuiz.in
Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..
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ITQuiz.in will hit 3 lac page views today, on this happy moment we would like to give away IT Quiz Google drive access which can be seen here.

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How to participate?

  1. Make a comment on any post on ITQuiz.in with your name and original email id
  2. Play the quiz below and submit your email id end of the quiz, and we will select 10 winners.

Which Indian based company recently invested on a 3D Face Modelling US Startup called Ditto?

We will choose 10 winners and the name of winners will be updated on this post on next 3 days.

Happy Quizzing

Thank you for making our Alexa rank on 30k



Winners of IT Quiz Google Drive

Sl NoNameEmail id
5Shivang Dubeyshivangdub***@gmail.com
7Sandeep Raosandeeprao***@gmail.com

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Amal Augustinehttp://www.ITQuiz.in
Blogger | Developer  | Quizzer. I'm Amal Augustine, a student of St Stephen's College Delhi. Apart from my interest in Quizzing, I'm interested in Software Development and I work on Flutter, Dart, C#,JAVA,.NET, Android, SEO, Digital Marketing, etc..

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Are you an IT or tech enthusiast looking for a thrilling way to test your knowledge and compete with others? Look no further! ExQuizMe...

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  1. really helpful….
    really lucky to meet the Author amal Agustine…when he came to Calicut as a quizmaster….in which I was attending


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